Some news about our visit to Paris during Paris Photo and Polycopies.

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Passing by Paris!

November is THE photography month in Paris. PARIS PHOTO, the big photography fair and the spin-of programs of exhibitions all over Paris is a delight for the photography lovers and collectors. Also a photobook fair is open during this week : POLYCOPIES, and the special interest is that it takes place on a boat on the Seine river!

With more than ten years of existence, Polycopies has driven many publishers aboard years after years. From young and self-published to famous and very productive publishing houses.

We gave a chance to the French audience and to all the passengers of this intense photography week to meet us there. We were at Polycopies for special program named SPOTLIGHT, as it says it’s a spotlight of our publishing house for one day. The extra point : coffee, beer, and snacks were available on the main deck.

Because we saw an interest in our publications by the visitors, we hope to meet more of the french and European audience in a near future. Libraries, galleries, art fairs… you’re welcome to offer us a dropping space to display, we love to share with audience.

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