You heard that Bromide recently went to jail… Find out the truth in this article.

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Bromidebooks in jail?

Did you heard the rumor that Bromide recently went to jail… Find out the truth below.

After a successful show in Shanghai, full of electric audience at the BONJOUR ARTBOOK FAIR in May, we decided to follow the artbook fair tour in the city of HEFEI in June. Both events organized by our favorite organizer : BonJour不熟 !

Shanghai is always a great place to show off. Maybe its personality comes from the big mixity of western and eastern residents. However the eclectic audience dare to come massively even with the huge storm passing by at night and taking away a big part of the outdoor booths. The fancy art location was still on soft-opening and the AC not working yet, … we are sorry for the concrete dust that the large amount of visitors have moved and for the hot temperature that our big fans and ice-blocks hardly manage to low down. Thanks to all anyway.

Shanghai was nice, but it’s a city used to this kind of events. What about the city of Hefei? Honestly, I don’t know! It was my first experience there, but what an experience! The 1972 former detention camp, on the outside border of the town before the fast expansion of the city, has been rehabilitated in an art district, with many galleries, exhibition centers and even some fancy cafés. So here we go, having the fair in a former prison, with a very singular architecture looking like something between an elongated brick church and an industrial warehouse from the 50’s.

Many reminders ( panda prisoners sculptures escaping over the wall, handcuffs on windows’ cage, large mural paintings, mirador towers, …) tell the former story of the place and try to convert people into looking at an amusement rehab area as a civilized conversion of public real estate. A great place for art however with park, grass and entertainment.

The fair was great, the audience was huge, many café and fancy drink retailers were so welcome in the overheated summer temperature in and out, and the party still going on as usual with a different band playing in the middle of the fair every afternoon. Rock n roll!

So, yes, we went to jail… for your own pleasure!

See you in autumn in Shanghai (again) and Chengdu.

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