You may think we were sleeping. Nope, we were bookfairing! Get here some news about our recent events in Asia.

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Long time no see

Such a long time without updates you may think we were sleeping like lazy cats. But nope.

Issues and solutions

The facts are that, with the actual international health crisis, we had difficulties traveling and sharing worldwide our beautiful books.

Also during this special time, a lot of our shipped parcels came back to our warehouse because of receiver absent, most of the customers being locked in a different place than their home. We understood and made a big move by opening a special budget to re-send the items without having customers to pay again for the shipping fees. After a confirmation chat, books were re-sent safely.

Art Book Fairs

Also, because of closed borders, we went touring China fairs. We were pleased to be invited to many events, gathering young and old audience around art books, from graphic studios, illustrators, and established publishers.

The Chinese audience was able to reach us in Chengdu, Shanghai and Nanjing, and could have a look at our nice publications for real. As usual, we were still treating every visitors with free gifts but this time a new item took place between postcards and candies : masks. We know how difficult it could be for some of you to get some, but as we got a hand on some boxes, we shared freely, to make every visitor daring to join some crowded events able to do it safely.

More news

We were glad to see that our publication OFF SEASON was selected in the first magazine-catalogue of YAN BOOKS, a real good bookstore (and café) from Beijing. Fabien Fourcaud’s pink opus got a good place next to Araki in the photography section. That’s great.

We are also happy to tell you that a new book is about to be added to our catalog, a Japanese photographer from Hokkaido. But more details will come soon.

Keep following us on Instagram and WeChat for more on-time news.

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