Going from book fair to book fair during the pandemic , one more year in pictures

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A bunch of fairs up and down

Since our last post, almost one year ago, we went through a lot of pressures.

Going from book fair to book fair was always full of surprises, good or bad.

The pandemic never stopped playing with our schedule and way of living in our everyday life and work, we crossed postponed events, cancellations, quarantines on our way in and way back, impossibilities to travel.. all more exhausting than others.

We faced our fate in these year’s hard organisation and despite chaotic sudden health security decisions, we managed to meet our audience.
Thanks to the responsive organizers, flexible partners, and with the precious help of sales collaborators, our dedicated place at book fairs didn’t stayed empty.

We really hope for a quick return to normal, and a soft but fast disappearance of the pandemic bad consequences.

Here’s a randomly arranged album of pictures summing up our positivity.

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